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moon elves造句

"moon elves"是什么意思  
  • In 4th edition, moon elves are eladrin.
  • The Moon Elves are a race that were once considered Elves, but different.
  • The majority of the half-elves in Faer鹡 come from parings between humans and moon elves.
  • A number of moon elves of Ardeep stayed behind, and proposed an alliance with the local shield dwarves of Dardath.
  • Drizzt dispatches of the dark elves, Ad'non-Kareese and Donnia Soldou, and frees the moon elves.
  • The second wave included the dark elves, who arrived in the jungles of southern Faer鹡, and the sun and moon elves, who arrived in the north.
  • At its height, it was the center of Elven art and High Magic, but was destroyed by the evil Empire of Gold and Moon Elves, Vyshaantar.
  • In the forests that once covered the Shaar, the moon elves established Orishaar, and the dark elves established Ilythiir and Miyeritar ( along with the green elves ).
  • This forced the Moon Elves to step from their shadowy world and start exploring for additional breeding options; this is how they came to be known by the Orcs and Humans.
  • Its southern fringes are peaceful enough home to small bands of moon elves and wood elves who roam its green depths and fair meadows, as well as the rustic homes of woodcutters and trappers.
  • It's difficult to see moon elves in a sentence. 用moon elves造句挺难的
  • ;Moon Elves or Silver Elves ( " Teu-Tel'Quessir " ) : The moon elves are the most common of all the elves in Faer鹡 and are also known as silver elves.
  • ;Moon Elves or Silver Elves ( " Teu-Tel'Quessir " ) : The moon elves are the most common of all the elves in Faer鹡 and are also known as silver elves.
  • Numerous fey crossings facilitated transportation between the prime and fey isles, but the increased isolation made the eladrin ( as most sun and many moon elves took to calling themselves ) even warier of visitors, and more and more of the mainland elven peoples chose to remain amongst the other races in Faerun proper.
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